Thursday, March 11, 2010

Feeding Frenzy 2

Feeding Frenzy 2

Everything Feeding Frenzy did, Feeding Frenzy 2: Shipwreck Showdown improves upon. The graphics are far more varied and interesting, and there are little touches everywhere, from the shimmering wakes your fish leaves in the water as he moves to the tiny wiggle animation of clamshells before they snap shut. Gameplay remains wholly unchanged; you still zip around a screen, eating up everything smaller than you until you grow big enough to devour everything on screen.

For some reason, there's a story in the main campaign mode, based around unravelling the mystery of the shadowy new fish in the cove, but it's as irrelevant as the first Feeding Frenzy's "Dethrone the Shark King" storyline. FF2, however, adds in twenty additional stages, several multiplayer modes and an "Easy" mode, though the main game is once again easy as pie for an experienced gamer.

If you never played the first, this game exceeds it in every way, and if you did, the new graphics, longer music score and new abilities (Jumping out of the water! Summoning Fishing Lures!) give you enough to justify this buy. Still no on-line co-op, but local co-op features a few simple minigames, nothing special but better than nothing. The game is so simple, though, that online co-op would basically be "Private Chat + Some Fish Game."

Graphics: Massive upgrade over the original. Fish are bright, colors are rich and the whole game exudes fun. Nothing next-gen, but points for improving over the original. 3.
Sound: More music, but still not too much going on. 2.
Controls: Crisp, but the simple controls aren't something that needs a lot of work. 3.
Tilt: Improves in every way on the original, this is the definitive "fish eating game" on the 360. 4.
Overall (not an average): 3

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